pxe.png (19558 bytes) Don't Click This









MicroApache 1.3.37+1.05 PXE Distro (313kb ZIP)

Complete Project ISO
Approx 12Mb ISO

v1,05 (custom)




System Requirements

Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows 7

Portable Apache Webserver


A Tutorial - Chainbooting With gPXE and MicroApache

After much time spent studying various approaches - especially this one which I liked although the exact method didn't work for me -  I finally managed to successfully create a PXE->gPXE chainboot which could be used to boot something useful. In this case it was TinyCore Linux .

Why do this? Well, gPXE is far more powerful than the standard PXE network boot which is available from the BIOS boot on most PCs. It has the ability to "chain-load" (remote execute) using a wider range of network protocols include AoE, iSCSI and HTTP. The latter interested me as it offered a potential use for MicroApache. The advantage of HTTP over TFTP which is usually used for PXE transfers is that it is far more scaleable and can offer much faster rates of data-transfer.

How Does It Work?

Normally, the inbuilt PXE boot to a DHCP server which returns both an IP address and the location of a boot file. This file is then requested by the PXE| boot-agent using TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol). This service being provided by a TFTP server such as TFTPD32  The disadvantages of this is that the protocol is inefficient and for advanced boot configuration one has to then chain to a boot-loader service such as GRUB or PXELinux. Often these are limited in terms of what can be booted, and again there's still the efficiency limitation of the TFTP server.

An alternative method is for the BIOS PXE service to contact the DHCP server as before and then either load the more-flexible gPXE directly or load say GRUB or PXELinux and chain to gPXE. I chose the latter method as it allows for a menu to be added. One can run into problems with a perpetual "circular-boot" whereby PXE loads gPXE, which makes a DHCP request and then re-loads itself over and over. This can be avoided using specific DHCP server configuration (not an option with TFTPD32) or by forcing gPXE to chain into a boot script.

I chose this option, so the next stage was to find a way to make gPXE always load a local boot script rather than go back and query the DHCP server. In many examples the boot sequence has been entered manually - I wanted it to be both fully automatic and customisable. This meant using a local HTTP server to serve a boot script and the way to force gPXE to load and use a generic remote script was to use the online custom-boot compiler to create a PXELinux-booting gPXE image (LKRN file) and entering a standard script into the online compiler at rom-o-matic.net .

It took some time to figure out the syntax for the various components as I'm not a Linux guru and the documentation is fairly obtuse, However I now have a complete, turnkey gPXE/HTTP chain-load boot CDROM which can boot Tinycore Linux. I've added a tutorial on how to achieve this below...

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Tutorial - PXE->gPXE->TFTP->MicroApache HTTP Chainbooting Tinycore Linux

This tutorial is for a Win32 implementation of a gPXE "diskless" client boot server.

You will need:

  • Philippe Jounin's TFTPD32 DHCP/TFTP server
  • My own TFTPLaunch - auto-launcher and auto-configurator for TFTPD32 (above)
  • My own MicroApache portable HTTP webserver distro - I chose to use Apache 1.3.x rather than 2.x as this is not intended to be "internet-facing" and offers the most compact and flexible configuration via the "launch13x" launcher (ZIP ~300kb).
  • "grldr" from the GRUB for DOS boot-loader (You can also use PXELinux but you will have to amend the information to suit)
  • A compiled gPXE boot ROM image from this site (see the full-instructions below)
  • Tail for Windows (Optional - if you want to view log files and if running from optical media with dynamic MicroApache configuration as TailCGI won't "see" the logs on %TEMP%)
  • To carefully follow the instructions below

or ...

You can download the complete project from MediaFire as an appx. 12Mb ISO image. But BE WARNED this ISO image autoruns TFTPD32 and MicroApache and will kill any copies of these processes if they are already running on your PC

Supported Operating Systems

The limitng factor will be TfTPD32 which runs only on more recent versions of Windows. During testing it emerged that TFTPD32 won't work with "cut-down" versions of XP such as BartPE, UBCD4Win and Hiren's Boot CD. Something is missing from these distros which is required. TFTPD32 won't work on Windows NT. I didn't test it on WINE

It should be able to boot just about any operating system which gPXE can handle

Precautionary Caveats

Temporary files will be created in your local TEMP folder for TFTPD32 by TFTPLaunch whether on optical media or not. This is an unfortunate necessity of a bug on TFTPD32's handling of command-line arguments.

Temporary files will be created in your local TEMP folder for MicroApache if you opt for dynamic configuration or on optical media with dynamic configuration. This is necessary as the dynamic configuration required for DocumentRoot, log files etc has to be written somewhere.

If you use the complete ISO of this project then, again, be aware it will autoboot. I wanted it to work thsi way so I can use it as a possible recovery tool.

This method may need tweaking if you have a competing DHCP server on your own LAN. I had two other DHCP-enabled routers but didn't run into any problems.



¦ autorun.inf
¦ go.bat
¦ tftpd32.exe
¦ tftplaunch.exe
¦ drivenet.ico
¦ ¦ ApacheCore.dll
¦ ¦ ApacheKill.exe
¦ ¦ go.bat
¦ ¦ killproc.exe
¦ ¦ launch13x.exe
¦ ¦ mapache.exe
¦ ¦ showip.exe
¦ ¦ stop.bat
¦ ¦ Win9xConHook.dll
¦ ¦
¦ +---cgi-bin
¦ ¦ tailcgi.exe
¦ ¦ TailCGI.ini
¦ ¦
¦ +---conf
¦ ¦ httpd.conf
¦ ¦ httpd.conf.dynamic
¦ ¦ magic
¦ ¦ mime.types
¦ ¦
¦ +---logs
¦ +---modules
¦ ¦ gpxe-1.0.1-gpxe.lkrn
¦ ¦ grldr
¦ ¦
¦ +---menu.lst
¦ ¦ default
¦ bootscript.gpxe
¦ tinycore.gz
¦ vmlinuz
¦ ¦ tail.css

First you need to create a suitable folder structure to hold the all the components as shown in the diagram on the right: The grey components are optional, the purple relate to the standard MicroApache 1.3.x distribution

  1. Extract TFTPD32.EXE and place in the root folder.  You don't need the help file.
  2. Extract TFTPLaunch.EXE and place in the root folder
  3. MicroApache Portable Webserver - Extract the latest full distro of MicroApache 1.3.37-PXE with launch13x v1.05 (313kb ZIP) into a subfolder under root as shown above
    Example/suggested folder-name: \MicroApache-1.3.37-no-PHP
    The CGI-BIN log-viewing application components are optional and won't work with if you choose a non-writeable optical media setup where logs are redirected to %TEMP%. Ensure you use the custom MicroApache 1.3.x (PXE) with the enhanced v1.05 Apache Loader (launch13x.exe) if you intend using optical media. This is because the enhanced loader can dynamically create the server config from a macro template and redirect it to a local TEMP folder. I rewrote the loader especially for this project. You can check the version using LAUNCH13X.EXE /?

    I chose to have MicroApache use a fully-dynamic configuration based on a template httpd.conf so that I could ultimately use optical media such as CDROM for the system with full autorun. This meant rewriting launch13x.exe to handle redirecting the created config files to %TEMP% and redirecting Apache to those files. The log files also have to be redirected. This is done, as with several other parameters using macro-variable interpretation within the template httpd.conf file. Thus, with this scenario you need to launch MicroApache using launch13x.exe with a parameter "httpd.conf.dynamic". This file is broadly the same as the distribution httpd.conf but contains the following modified lines. Both httpd.conf and docroot.conf are created dynamically and read from %TEMP%..

    # Entries in httpd.conf.dynamic
    ServerName  $ip
    include     $configdir/docroot.conf
    CustomLog   $logdir/access.log common
    PidFile     $logdir/httpd.pid
    ErrorLog    $logdir/error.log

    $ip is the server's IP address, detected automatically
    $configdir is the source configuration directory, currently specified by using the /TEMP switch to redirect everything to %TEMP%
    $logdir is the target, writeable configuration directory, currently specified by using the /TEMP switch to redirect everything to %TEMP%

  4. Download a Tinycore Linux distro and extract either from file or ISO the vmlinuz and tinycore.gz files. Place these in the \WWW folder
  5. Using Notepad or similar text-editor, create the file bootscript.gpxe in your .\WWW folder and enter the following -

    dhcp net0
    initrd http://${net0/dhcp-server}:8800/tinycore.gz
    chain http://${net0/dhcp-server}:8800/vmlinuz lang=en kmap=uk initrd/tinycore.gz root=100

    This is the script chain-downloaded by gPXE from our local webserver using the embedded-script we will create below. It uses the gPXE environment variable "net0" (first ethernet card) and pulls out the "dhcp-server" property. gPXE variables are interpreted by wrapping in ${ }
    The "root" value took some time to figure out and doesn't make much sense to me, not being a Linux expert. However none of the recognised partitions which would be shown on a kernel panic dump (such as sda, sda1, or sr) could be used. I guess the 100 must be addressing a partition by number, this being the gPXE one.

  6. Download GRUB for DOS and extract the grub loader - grldr - and place in the \PXE sub-folder
  7. Create a GRUB boot menu as follows and save it to \PXE\MENU.LST\DEFAULT -

    # GRUB stub-menu allows for menu editing/extension
    # We set a timeout of x3 seconds and default to 1st menu item (0)
    timeout 3
    default 0

    title TinyCore Linux gPXE/HTTP Chain Load
    kernel /gpxe-1.0.1-gpxe.lkrn

  8. Go to  http://rom-o-matic.net/gpxe/gpxe-1.0.1/contrib/rom-o-matic/ and select the following -
    Step 1) "Choose an output format" Linux Kernel (LKRN)
    Step 5) Click the "Customise" button to expand the screen options
    Scroll to the bottom of the page and enter the following gPXE script
    If you have more than one ethernet interface then you may have to modify the "net0" value to "net1" or experiment with other settings

    dhcp net0
    chain http://${net0/dhcp-server}:8800/bootscript.gpxe

    Note that the :8800 is required *only* if you are operating MicroApache on the standard MicroApache port. The default port is 80.
    Click "Get Image" at the bottom of the rom-o-matic screen and download this file to the \PXE directory
    Example download filename: gpxe-1.0.1-gpxe.lkrn

  9. Create the master GO.BAT in the root folder as follows. This will launch all of the Win32 components in the correct sequence

    @echo off
    REM Start MicroApache ...
    REM N.B. Requires launch13x.exe v1.05 (4/Oct/11) to set docroot to ../www
    call %~dp0MicroApache-1.3.37-no-PHP\go.bat

    REM (re)Start tftpd32 - Beware - this kills any active tftpd32 session...
    %~dp0MicroApache-1.3.37-no-PHP\killproc.exe tftpd32.exe

    REM Debug open a browser window to confirm server is active...
    REM Uncomment this line for use with non-optical media ONLY...
    REM start http://localhost:8800/cgi-bin/tailcgi.exe?filename=access.log

    REM GRUB for DOS was used for the initial TFTP boot
    REM TFTPLaunch was used to automatically-configure TFTPD32

    %~dp0tftplaunch.exe /k /s:pxe /bf:\grldr /ps:10 /v

The final command - %~dp0tftplaunch.exe /k /s:pxe /bf:\grldr /ps:10 /v - runs from the current drive/path; it launches TFTPD32.EXE, keeps any windows open (/K), sets the subdirectory to .\PXE (/S:PXE), sets the boot file to \grldr (/BF:\GRLDR), sets the DHCP pool size to x10 (/PS:10) and operates in verbose mode (/V). See this page for more information and download http://tftplaunch.kerys.co.uk/

Optional Extras

If you want a "turnkey" autoboot CD or DVD then you will need to add an autorun.inf file to the root directory and the autorun icon as listed in the tree above. The autorun.inf will need to contain.


Boot Order Analysis

The boot order for all of the above runs as follows: This boot method avoids the "endless loop" of gPXE booting

  • PC Boots PXE (or gPXE) via ROM/BIOS or PXE/gPXE boot disk/USB stick or CDROM
  • DHCP request is made and TFTP filename for our gPXE image is handed out
  • TFTP download of custom gPXE boot image file with gPXE script name hard-coded to webserver via DHCP server address
  • gPXE downloads and runs gPXE script from webserver
  • Modules are loaded from webserver
  • Chain to O/S module and run O/S


Now boot run GO.BAT to launch the process and boot up your client PC in PXE mode. You may need to go into the PC's BIOS and enable "Network Boot" as well as changing the boot-order to place Network Boot before other media.

You should see the PC make it's initial PXE boot to TFTPD32. If you switch to the "Log Viewer" tab then you should see your PC connect and obtain an IP address. Next you will see it download the GRUB boot menu. At this point the GRUB boot menu will appear on the PC's screen. A timeout is set at 3 seconds in the configuration above, after which point the gPXE boot ROM file will be returned to the original PXE client. Since this ROM file has a script embedded in it when it was compiled (as above), this script will run on the HTTP server which is operating on the same PC as TFTPD32. In our case this is the MicroApache server operating on port 8800.

You can use Tail for Windows to watch the HTTP server log events in real time if you're using the dynamic configuration option with MicroApache. If you've configured for static configuration on MicroApache and are running with logs in .\LOGS in the server folder then you can use TailCGI from a web browser with this command -

start http://localhost:8800/cgi-bin/tailcgi.exe?filename=access.log

You can see the boot sequence illustrated in the images below -

Burning to CDROM, ISO or other media

You can use any freeware burner or ISO creator. I used the excellent ImgBurn

Possible Amendments and Improvements

A boot menu for multiple options could be added by first chaining to say GRUB and have GRUB then chain to one of several precoded gPXE images. These could be given numbers, one for each menu "slot", say 1..10. Each of these "slots" could map to a numbered gPXE boot script which could be fully modifiable to match the GRUB boot menu. Bot the GRUB boot menu and gPXE scripts could be generated dynamically by say PHP, PERL or CGI. The described process above simply covers or "maps" a single script.

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screenshot-gpxe-chainboot-startx400.jpg (22734 bytes)

gPXE Chainboot Server Start Up - MicroApache running on port 8800 and TFTPD32 launched by TFTPLaunch - Click for Larger Image

screenshot-pxe-boot-startx400.jpg (12462 bytes)

gPXE Chainboot Client PXE Start Up - Click for Larger Image

screenshot-grub-menux400.jpg (14507 bytes)

gPXE Chainboot Client Start Up - GRUB PXE Boot Menu - Click for Larger Image

screenshot-gpxe-boot-startx400.jpg (28204 bytes)

gPXE Chainboot Client gPXE Start Up - Click for Larger Image

screenshot-tinycore-loadingx400.jpg (31318 bytes)

gPXE Chainboot Client Start Up - gPXE Loading Tinycore Linux - Click for Larger Image

screenshot-tinycore-loadedx400.jpg (8357 bytes)

gPXE/HTTP Chainboot Client Start Up - Tinycore Linux Loaded and Running via MicroApache HTTP server- Click for Larger Image
Astoundingly Tinycore actually WORKED and in a couple of clicks I had Firefox loaded and browsing the web

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gPXE Chainboot client startup using ISO CDROM image and Microsoft Virtual PC. The brief pause at the start is where I had the VM paused ready to go - boot resumes at 8 seconds - boot is completed at 53 seconds - actual total boot time is around 39 seconds (100mbps LAN)

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This method is flexible in that the single gPXE boot ROM image can be persuaded to boot a number of different configurations if these are edited or generated dynamically on the local HTTP server using, say PHP or other scripting methods. The method demonstrated uses a single, static script to load a single O/S but there's no reason why dynamic menu scripts could not be generated without needing complex "tweaking" of the gPXE boot agent.

The original idea came from this article but I found that the boot sequence didn't work at all for me. The final "boot" command rebooted the gPXE box instead of chaining to the loaded image file. I got better results using a "chain" statement and chaining directly to a gpxe text-script hosted on the HTTP server. This is better as the gPXE agent is generically hard-coded and the soft-coding is done at the HTTP server end where it's most easily tweaked.

Since there's a 500mb limit on memdisk and my nLite XP setup CDs I use for testing are about 1Gb then this method may be suitable for loading a 1Gb DOS-bootable XP setup DVD which has been nLited. I've yet to try this method but am currently experimenting with a basic XP distro and DOS 6.22/Smartdrv ISO.

I already have WinPE booting via PXE/GRUB memboot but booting via gPXE may be another project as documented here

I also still have to get my nLite XP setup boot install working without resorting to a primitive floppy DOS netdrive boot although this howto on creating a bootable XP ISO/CD has given interesting results so far (although the nLite compilations are bootable anyway). I envisage a non-booting autorun DVD with the above gPXE chainboot setup and a complete with an nLite ISO (about 1.2Gb with unattended apps install) which the same server config will serve up to PXE clients. I've still yet to resolve the STOP 0x7b problem loading XP boot disks over PXE despite patching RAMDISK.SYS, perhaps this method may help.

Memdisk ISO boot FAIL

Up to now I've been trying to use memdisk up to v1.83 with gPXE but haven't had a single success in booting an ISO. I've tried half a dozen various good bootable ISO images and verified the C/H/S values using testdisk_win on a mounted ISO volume with WinImage. No matter what parameters are supplied memdisk simply hangs at boot time. If anyone actually *has* got memdisk to work with gPXE (or even alone) booting ISO images I'd be interested to see the config. Unfortunately memdisk is barely documented (if at all) and the SysLinux site has been offline for some time now. I've cleaned a certain amount of knowledge from looking at dozens of config examples. There are claims that more recent versions of memdisk support el-torito CD booting and I've traced versions up to v3.83, none of which can boot an ISO image.

screenshot-gpxe-memdisk-fail.jpg (70905 bytes)

Memdisk failing to boot yet another ISO image within gPXE (above). This time the QNX distro ISO. In the example above the ISO image has been loaded previously and is clearly recognised as fd0 with the correct size and detected CHS by memdisk.

Possible Multiboot Configuration

It may be possible to multiboot by having several compiled versions of gPXE with the static bootscript which calls bootscript<1..N>.gpxe with each individual bootscript mapping to an alternate server distribution. say bootscript1.gpxe to booscript10.gpxe. Memdisk could perhaps be used as in this method to load and run ISO images from the webserver

Investigations continue

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